Hempiness Organic Premium Raw Hemp Protein Powder 250g (36% Protein)
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+ 45,49 zł wysyłka
Hempiness Organic Premium Raw Hemp Protein Powder 250g (36% Protein)
- Marka: Hempiness

Hempiness Organic Premium Raw Hemp Protein Powder 250g (36% Protein)
- Marka: Hempiness
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The Hemp Shop
A true superfood made from 100% Organic cold pressed pure Hempseed. Packed with the most essential super nutrients in a more concentrated state than any other Hemp food product. Produced by gently milling the oil rich hempseed, this 36% protein powder is an excellent source of plant-based protein that is totally natural, vegan, raw, gluten free and packed full of vitamins and minerals. Hemp contains more protein than meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products. It is the most easily digested and absorbed protein for your body and contains all ten essential amino acids making it one of the best sources for protein on the planet
Plus it's free from gluten, dairy and lactose, sugar, GMO, Hexane, pesticides and herbicides, additives and preservatives. It's also made from RAW hemp seeds cold-pressed to ensure the health-giving nutrients and enzymes stay alive and well thus making it super healthy.This product is packed in a oxygen free environment to maintain maximum freshness. Grown in the EU from Hemp seeds considered to be the finest quality Hemp anywhere. Only the best quality at the hemp shop, no Chinese seed here
4 tablespoons of 36% hemp protein powder (32g) provides:• More than 25% of the recommended daily intake for 9 vitamins and minerals - Vitamins B, iron, copper, folate, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and zinc - it's power packed
• 11g of highly digestible, high quality protein• 11g of fibreGreat for smoothies and protein shakes or to have with yoghurt or granola or use as a flour substitute for baking by adding to pies, cakes, muffins and breads at a 25% Hemp to 75% flour ratio (this is especially useful for those following the low carbohydrate lifestyle). Packed with omega fatty acids, protein, essential amino acids, dietary fibre and iron it is superb as a supplement for vegans and vegetarians and also great for sports practitioners. Unlike soy or dairy protein powders it won’t leave you bloated. It’s perfect for a vegan, vegetarian, or even a carnivore, plus it's certified Kosher too.• ORGANIC, RAW & VEGAN• FREE FROM GLUTEN, SOY, LACTOSE, CHOLESTEROL & GM• HIGH IN FIBRE, PROTEIN & AMINO ACIDS• GREAT SOURCE OF ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS (OMEGA 3 & 6)• HIGH IN VITAMIN D & ESize: 250gPacked weight: 265gAvailable in sizes: 250g, 500g, 1kg, 2.5kg, 25kg
- Marka: Hempiness
- Kategoria: Witaminy i suplementy diety
- Identyfikator Fruugo: 94489660-198234270
- EAN: 5060990040207
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